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Q: How much contact with you as my lawyer should I expect?

A lawyer has an ethical and professional duty to communicate with their client. That being said, an internet search of lawyer reviews will attest that the number one complaint of clients regarding lawyer dissatisfaction is total lack of communication with their lawyer. What does the Mississippi Bar Association (which monitors and upholds standards for lawyers) expect? Referencing the Mississippi Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1.4, states: “A lawyer shall keep a client reasonably informed about the status of a matter and promptly comply with reasonable requests for information.” The amount of communication depends on the nature and extent of the case. Generally, a lawyer should return phone calls, emails and respond promptly to a client. In this firm, communication is paramount, and all client inquiries are addressed within 48 hours, and clients receive status updates each time action is taken on their case.

As seen in the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal’s “Ask a Professional.” 

Ask Amy

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